Manoj Patil

Undergraduate student at @BMSCE

About Me

I am a second-year B.E student at the B.M.S. College of Engineering (BMSCE) and my research interest is mainly about blockchain and cryptography


Personal email
BMSCE email
+91 7353565671


B.M.S. College of Engineering Undergraduate in Computer Science and Engineering
2021 Dec - 2025 May
Currently pursuing my education here.
- Got 4th rank in sudocode compitation.
- coordinated many notable NSS events
2019 June - 2021 June
- got 96.16 percentile in JEE mains
Sri Chaitanya Techno School School
2009 June - 2019 June
- Involved in JEE preparation
- got first prize in singing


Student accommodation website

As a passionate and creative web developer, I conceptualized and brought to life a stunning website that offers students comprehensive information about accommodation options in the local area. Utilizing my skills in HTML,CSS,Javascript,React.js,PHP, Bootstarp, I created a user-friendly platform that offers a seamless browsing experience.


Gesture-Controlled Instagram Reels Scroller Developed a custom computer vision and gesture recognition system to enhance user interaction with Instagram Reels. Implemented hand gestures to seamlessly scroll up and down through Reel content, providing a hands-free and immersive social media experience. Demonstrated innovative tech integration and creative problem-solving skills

Research-intrest in implementation of Digital Signatures in Cryptography

As a researcher with a strong interest in the implementation of digital signatures in cryptography using the Schnorr Identification Scheme, I have been working to deepen my understanding of this complex and fascinating area of study. Through conducting extensive research and experimenting with different techniques, I have developed a solid foundation of knowledge and skills related to cryptography and digital signature schemes. I am particularly interested in exploring the potential applications of the Schnorr Identification Scheme in different contexts, including e-commerce, secure messaging, and blockchain technology. I am excited about the potential of this technology to revolutionize the way we approach security and privacy in the digital age, and I look forward to continuing my research in this field.

Extra-Curricular Activities

- Represented BMSCE in VTU Inter-Collegiate Sports Competition
- As a representative of BMSCE in the VTU Inter-Collegiate Sports Competition, I had the opportunity to showcase my skills and compete with some of the best athletes in the region. The experience helped me develop discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship, and I am proud to have contributed to BMSCE's reputation as a competitive and respected institution in the sports community. I look forward to continuing to participate in sports and representing my school in future competitions.
- As a guitarist, Playing the guitar has been a passion of mine for several years, and I have honed my skills through practicing and performing in different settings. Through my experience with the guitar, I have developed a sense of discipline, creativity, and patience. I believe that my skills as a guitarist have also helped me to become a better team player and collaborator. I look forward to continuing to develop my skills and to share my love of music with others through playing the guitar.
Social Worker
- As a social worker and a coordinator of various events in the NSS unit of BMSCE, I have been fortunate enough to contribute to meaningful social causes while developing leadership and teamwork skills. Through organizing and participating in events such as blood donation drives, cleanliness drives, and awareness campaigns, I have gained a deeper understanding of the social issues affecting our community and have been able to make a positive impact on people's lives. Being a part of the NSS unit has also helped me to develop my communication and organizational skills, as I have had to work with diverse groups of people to plan and execute successful events. I am grateful for the opportunities that the NSS unit has provided me and look forward to continuing my involvement in social causes in the future.


  • Sudocode 2022
           ranked 4th place in our college (where all students were open to participate)
  • Best volunteer award
  •        for my social service I have given to the society in the time